

PlantUML uses a special encoding to transform a uml text description like: <uml title=“pte”> Alice → Bob: Authentication Request Bob –> Alice: Authentication Response </uml> into UDfppCbCJbNGjLDmoa-oKd0iBSb8pIl9J4uioSpFKmXABInDBIxXvG9AAkW25Jc2L6DHLboGdrUS2W3B6nef

For example, SyfFKj2rKt3CoKnELR1Io4ZDoSa70000 is the encoded form of:

<uml t=“hello”> Bob→Alice : hello </uml>

<uml> Alice → Bob: Authentication Request Bob –> Alice: Authentication Response

Alice → Bob: Another authentication Request Alice ←- Bob: another authentication Response </uml> <uml title=“activity”> (*) –> “First Activity”

      "First Activity" --> (*)
