======Creole====== A light Creole_engine have been integrated into PlantUML to have a standardized way of defining text style. All diagrams are now supporting this syntax. (Note that ascending compatibility with HTML syntax is preserved) ======Emphasized text====== Alice -> Bob : hello --there-- ... Some ~~long delay~~ ... Bob -> Alice : ok note left This is **bold** This is //italics// This is ""monospaced"" This is --stroked-- This is __underlined__ This is ~~waved~~ end note ======List====== object demo { * Bullet list * Second item ** Sub item } legend # Numbered list # Second item ## Sub item ## Another sub item # Third item end legend ======Escape character====== You can use the tilde ~ to escape special creole characters. object demo { This is not ~___underscored__. This is not ~""monospaced"". } ======Horizontal lines====== database DB1 as " You can have horizontal line ---- Or double line ==== Or strong line ____ Or dotted line ..My title.. Enjoy! " note right This is working also in notes You can also add title in all these lines ==Title== --Another title-- end note ======Headings====== usecase UC1 as " = Extra-large heading Some text == Large heading Other text === Medium heading Information .... ==== Small heading" ======Legacy HTML====== Some HTML tags are also working: * for bold text * or or for underline * for italic * or or for strike text * or or for wave underline text * or * or for background color * to change font size * : the file must be accessible by the filesystem * : the URL must be available from the Internet :* You can change text color * You can change background color * You can change size * You use legacy HTML tag * You use color in HTML tag ---- * Use image : ; ======Table====== skinparam titleFontSize 14 title Example of simple table |= |= table |= header | | a | table | row | | b | table | row | end title [*] --> State1 ======OpenIconic====== OpenIconic is an very nice open source icon set. Those icons have been integrated into the creole parser, so you can use them out-of-the-box. You can use the following syntax: <&ICON_NAME>. title: <&heart>Use of OpenIconic<&heart> class Wifi note left Click on <&wifi> end note The complete list is available on OpenIconic_Website, or you can use the following special diagram: listopeniconic