======T17====== Pomocí l’Hospitalova pravidla vypočítejte limity: =====199.===== \( \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{\sin ax}{\sin bx} \) [[wa> limit sin ax / sin bx as x-> 0]] =====200.===== \( \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{\cosh x - \cos x}{x^2} \) [[wa> limit (cosh x - cos x)/x^2 as x->0 ]] [[wa> derivative cosh x]] [[derivace#sinh]], použít pravidlo dvakrát!!! =====201.===== DELETEME \( \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{\tan x - x}{x - \sin x} \) [[wa> limit of (tan x - x)/(x - sin x) as x->0 ]] =====202.===== DELETEME \( \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{3 \tan 4x - 12 \tan x}{2 \sin 4x - 12 \sin x} \) [[wa> limit (3 tan 4x - 12 tan x)/(3 sin 4x - 12 sin x) as x->0 ]] \( \lim_{x \to 0} \) =====203.===== DELETEME \( \lim_{x \to \frac{\pi}{2}} \frac{\tan 3x}{\tan x} =1/3 \), použít 3krát! [[wa> limit tan 3x / tan x as x->pi/2 ]] =====204.===== DELETEME \( \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{x \cot x - 1}{x^2} \) =====205.===== DELETEME \( \lim_{x \to \frac{\pi}{4}} \frac{\sqrt[3]{\tan x} - 1}{ 2 \sin^2 x - 1} \) =====206.===== DELETEME \( \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{x(e^x + 1) − 2(e^x − 1)}{x^3} \) =====207.===== \( \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{1 − \cos x^2}{x^2 sin x^2} \) [[wa> limit (1 − cos x^2) / (x^2 sin x^2) as x->0 ]] =====208.===== \( \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{a^x - \a^{\sin x}}{x^3} \) =====209.===== \( \lim_{x \to 1} \frac{x^x - x}{\ln x - x + 1} \) [[wa> limit (x^x - x) / (ln x - x + 1) as x->1 ]] =====210.===== DELETEME \( \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{\ln \sin ax}{\ln \sin bx} \) [[wa> limit of (ln sin ax)/(ln sin bx) as x->0 ]] =====211.===== =====212.===== \( \lim_{x \to +\infty} \frac{x^n}{e^{ax}}, a>0, n>0 \) [[wa> limit x^n/e^(ax) as x->+oo ]] =====213.===== \( \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{e^{-\frac{1}{x^2}}}{x^100} \) [[wa> limit e^{-1/x^2 / x^100 as x->0 ]] =====214.===== =====215.===== \( \lim_{x \to 1-} (ln x)(ln(1 - x) \) [[wa> limit of (ln x)(ln(1 - x) as x->1- ]] =====216.===== DELETEME \( \lim_{x \to +0} x^a\ln x , a>0 \) [[wa> limit x^a ln x as x->+0 ]] =====217.===== \( \lim_{x \to +0} x^x \) [[wa> limit x^x as x->+0 ]] [[wa> derivative x^x ]] [[stepbystep#T217]] =====218.===== DELETEME \( \lim_{x \to 0} x^(x^x - 1) \) [[wa> limit x^(x^x - 1) as x->0 ]] =====219.===== \( \lim_{x \to 0} x^{x^x} - 1 \) [[wa> limit of x^x^x -1 as x->0 ]] [[wa> derivative x^x ]] [[stepbystep#T219]] =====220.===== DELETEME \( \lim_{x \to +0} x^\frac{k}{1 + ln x} \) =====221.===== \( \lim_{x \to 1} x^\frac{1}{1 - x} \) [[wa> limit x^(1/(1 - x)) as x->1 ]] [[stepbystep#T221]] =====222.===== =====223.===== =====224.===== DELETEME \( \lim_{x \to 0} (\cot x)^{\sin x} \) [[wa> limit of (cotg x)^sin x as x->0 ]] =====225.===== \( \lim_{x \to 0+} (\ln \frac{1}{x})^x \) [[wa> limit of (ln 1/x)^x as x->0+ ]] [[stepbystep#T225]] =====226.===== =====227.===== =====228.===== \( \lim_{x \to 1} ( \frac{1}{\ln x} - \frac{1}{x -1}) \) [[wa> limit ( 1/ln x - 1/(x - 1) ) as x->1 ]] =====229.===== http://math.feld.cvut.cz/mt/txtb/5/txc3ba5d.htm [[derivace]]